Tuesday, 2 April 2024

 I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue:  

This is a spiky, engrossing but ultimately touching read.  Jolene is a Canadian-Iranian woman working in the admin of a supermarket chain.  Her snarky habit (sending white text emails to her colleagues about the things they do that piss her off) is rumbled.  Cliff, the IT guy adjusts her computer settings so that it can be monitored… but it also means she can see everyone else emails.  Which means she is party to loneliness, marital infidelity, abusive relationships… and the forthcoming round of redundancies.  

It’s an original conceit, definitely up there with The Husbands by Holly Gramazio.  And true, there is the odd Canadian/Iranian reference that might need a google.  But it’s brave enough to be a revenge comedy in the first third, one about dysfunctional friendships in the middle eight and take a twist that is both sweet and shocking in its final third.   

If you’ve ever experienced the silent, soul sucking snark of an office, you’ll lap this up.  Don’t buy it and you’ll get a white text from me.  It’s published by Harper Collins on 23rd of May and I thank them for a preview copy.  

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