Sunday, 31 March 2024

 Queen B by Juno Dawson:

This is an interesting sidestep to the HMRC books (which I generally devour over a couple of days).  Presumably the next (and possibly final) book in the trilogy ‘Human Rites’ is out next year.  

Anyway, I digress, this is the Tudor backdrop to HMRC, with Anne Boleyn plotting to establish a matriarchy of witches and is betrayed by a member of her own coven.  If you read the books as quickly as I do, be aware: this is less than half the size of the average book.  Plus, Dawson writes it in style of a historical novel, but a historical novel with grime, dirt, sex and magic.  

She is always in control of the broader narrative and messages explored much further in the other books.  So much so, that this could be read by someone wanting to sample the series, or maybe this hints at the apocalyptic future that began in the last book.  

It’s published by Harper Collins on 18th July and I thank them for a preview copy.  

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