Saturday, 24 August 2024

 May You Have Delicious Meals by Junko Takase:

 A Japanese novel, this features on the office romance between Ashikawa and Nitami. She is sweet, wife material and an avid baker.  He is looking for sex, rather than love and is powered by instant noodles.  

It’s an interesting concept - the idea that we are defined by what we eat, rather than whom we love.  But the flavour of it doesn’t really cut through.  Too much energy and prose is devoted to this existential, almost Buddhist concept.  The sex itself is flatly written and it is hard to discern where the actual narrative arc pans out.  

I think that may come down to the translation, but as my Kanji isn’t what it was there seems no flair or weight in the prose.  It’s also a very short book (144 pages).  And yes, I know Japanese fiction is short for a number of reasons, but Japanophiles may gobble this up.  The rest of us may require something more substantial. 

It’s punished by Random House on 20th February 2025 and I thank them for a preview copy.  #mayyouhavedeliciousmeals. 

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