Saturday 27 July 2024

 Life Is Like A Banana by Tony Wilson: 

Tony Wilson is an amateur artist, captain of industry, husband, brewer, grandad… and all round eccentric.  Although born in Ireland, I am claiming him as one of our own.  This is a collection of his diaries. 

The diaries reveal his private thoughts, his marking of historical events, his holidays abroad.  These are accompanied by what can only be described as beautiful watercolour pictures.  In between this, the author is working on a grand unified theory of life turned down by everyone from The Telegraph to philosophy magazines.  And has since been published!

Alongside this is the ebb and flow of human existence -  becoming a grandfather and the death of his beloved wife.  The book ends with a nude portrait of himself and that is a fitting way to end it.  It’s not a long read at 49 pages, but it has a haunting, human quality that you’ll be returning to for years.  

It’s published by Anthony Eyre on June 9th and I thank Grace Pilkington for a preview copy.  

1 comment:

  1. I came across a relationship specialist who revived my relationship, my boyfriend came back to me and promised to love me forever.....

    He also cured me Hsv-2

    Make Ex fall back in love with you.



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