Saturday, 13 April 2024

 Amnesiac: A Memoir by Neil Jordan: 

Jordan is known for films such as Mona Lisa, Interview With The Vampire and Michael Collins.  Doomed, yet strangely beautiful romances.  I read a lot of autobiographies and it certainly takes an unusual approach - the odd, slightly dreamlike reminiscences of childhood, the non-linear time structures.  

However, it is often maddeningly, with one chapter as a poem and several shifts in point size and prose style.  He’s vague on his marriage, even vaguer on his second.  He’s very open in this dealing with other creators, such as the laser-like focus of Kubrick, the abandoned version of King Lear with Brando.  What comes across strongly of all, is the sense that what he has achieved isn’t enough.  Plus, that space opera with teddy bears speaking in verse might well have been something.  

If the book resembles anything, it is Anjelica Houston’s autobiography: eloquent, artful, but unfinished.  It’s published by Head Of Zeus on 20th June and I thank them for a preview copy.  

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